Good things come to those who wait!

Develop your privacy friendly analytics strategy

by implementing the Piwik PRO Analytics suite with a focus on user privacy and data security – the perfect alternative to Google Analytics


Privacy-friendly analytics is a set of methods for collecting, measuring and analysing data in a way that both respects individual privacy rights and delivers relevant insights. These methods allow for data-driven decisions while still giving individuals control over personal data.

At We Are North we have a thorough understanding of the necessary steps a organisation needs to take  to mature your analytics strategy into a privacy friendly one. When making the transition to a privacy friendly analytics platform teams are in general facing of the following two challenges:

  • Do we start from scratch: implementation of the Piwik PRO Analytics platform
  • Can we migrate:  your existing analytics setup to a new privacy friendly implementation using the Piwik PRO Analytics platform
  • What do we loose: if we would migrate to a privacy friendly analytics platform?

 At We Are Are North we address these challenges with a variety of services supporting you in maturing your analytics strategy.

Updates & cases

Personalizing Dutch Railways' employee communication

For  the Dutch Railways, we created a seamless experience that can be  accessed through different channels, both through desktop and a mobile  application.

A GDPR proof strategy for content personalisation

Digital transformation starts with information. Global car graphic wrap manufacturer Avery Dennison seek out their clients and give them what they wanted when they wanted it.

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